
First Invasion

  • Try to get a read of the situation before engaging multiple opponents.
  • Make sure that you’re not getting zoned (surrounded) by the group.
  • It’s better to keep your health around 100% if possible.
  • Try to adapt your gameplan on the fly. Do you kill the phantoms first? Or do you try to snipe the host?

Second Invasion

  • Know where the PvE enemies are located and use them if you need additional breathing room.
  • Try to lead bigger groups into narrow corridors. This makes it easier to keep all opponents in line of sight.
  • High ground can be a disatvantage in certain situations.

Third Invasion

  • Try to have invasions where winning is not your main goal and experiment around with different playstiles (play more aggressively, try to not use any ashes of war, etc.)