I’m playing around with Twitch at the moment. Just to see how things work and if it’s a format that I can stick to. After each Stream I’ll do a compilation of some of the best clips, trying to analyze where I could have made better plays. And then also to separate the wheat from the chaff for your enjoyment. <3

I’m keeping this Post pinned for the foreseeable future and will link all clips in here.

Smart Strong Boi - Spellblade (2022-09-27)

Starscourge Greatsword unlocked - Spellblade (2022-09-24)

Quality Invasions from the stream - Spellblade (2022-09-20)

Invading with style - Spellblade (2022-09-18)

4 Invasions - Spellblade (2022-09-15)

4 Invasions - Spellblade (2022-09-13)

4 Invasions - Spellblade (2022-09-11)

PSA & Stream Highlights