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Gameplay Analysis Ep. 3

Notes First Invasion Make sure to have the Stalwart Horn Charm and some Stanching Boluses at hand to deal with bleed (Rivers of Blood) from high level phantoms. Any single mistake could cost you the invasion when facing overleveled phantoms, so it can pay off to play more conservative. Second Invasion Make sure you have a frost or bleed infused weapon at hand to be able to deal damage through shields....

<span title='2022-08-04 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>August 4, 2022</span>

Gameplay Analysis Ep. 2

Notes First Invasion Try to become better at better stamina management. No point in running circles around the opponents. Not running can also be a valid option sometimes. Second Invasion Sometimes you have to play very passively. Especially against overleveled phantoms. Make sure you know which PvE can be dangerous to you as well. Third Invasion Pay attention to the environment. If you’re stuck somewhere don’t just panic roll. Try backward jumping as well....

<span title='2022-07-15 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>July 15, 2022</span>

Gameplay Analysis Ep. 1

Notes First Invasion Try to get a read of the situation before engaging multiple opponents. Make sure that you’re not getting zoned (surrounded) by the group. It’s better to keep your health around 100% if possible. Try to adapt your gameplan on the fly. Do you kill the phantoms first? Or do you try to snipe the host? Second Invasion Know where the PvE enemies are located and use them if you need additional breathing room....

<span title='2022-07-13 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>July 13, 2022</span>